Little Boy Lost (United States, 1953)

Figure 1.--The NAZIs brouht millions of nom-Germans into the Reich for war wotkduring World War II. When the War ende, tese people had no way of getting home, if home even existed sny more. Others could not go home because of the Communis seizure of power in Eastern Europe. Among the most tragic cases were the displaced children. This is one of the best films addressing this problem. Christian Fourcade plays the displsaced child in "Little Boy Lost". Here the very hungry little boy is looking covetously at fruit for sale.

One of the most heart-rending aspects of World War II was the children who perished or were separated from their parents. Tragically childre were the most vulnerable and least likely to survive. The NAZIs actully targeted Jewish childrem. Most other children were not killed industrially, but if their parents were killed or conscripted for slave lsabor, the children unless taken in by others were imperiled. There were large numbers of displaced children in Europe after the War and this included children. "Little Boy Lost" is a classic film made about the huge problem of assising these children. Notice that Hollywood has not addrressed this problem in Viet Nam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. In "Little Boy Lost", a reporter finds an orphaned boy who he thinks may be his lost son. The boys' nattionality is left ambiguous sonhe can represent displaced children in general. The boys wear fairly accurate costumes, including shorts and smocks. The orphanage boys all wear knee socks. A few boys wear smocks, but for some unknown reason they appear to be the older ones. The biggest boy in the first class scene is wearing a smock, but without a wide white collar. The main character has rather an appealing personality. There are some older boys at the orphanage. Near the end of the movie there are more class scenes. Chtistian Fourcade plsays the title character. Scott Grimes also plays in the film. The principal adult role is played by Bing Crosby. Other members of the cast included: Claude Dauphin, Michael Moore, Peter Baldwin, Georgette Anys, Nicole Maurey, Henri Letondal, and Gabrielle Dorziat.


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Created: 11:31 PM 12/18/2009
Last updated: 11:32 PM 12/18/2009