Phil of the Future (United States, 2005)

Figure 1.--

"Phil of the Future" is a comedy about a family from the year 2121 sent back in time to the year 2005 due to a faulty time machine. Phil, the main character, his parents, and sister try to fit in until Dad can repair their time machine. The seies is carried on the Disney Channel. The seies is sent in contemporary terms. I presume there is some imaginative 2121, but for the most part the costuming is comtemporary. One exception is a brief scene in one of the first episodes in which Phil, the main character, appears in what was meant to be a 1950s school uniform.


The seies is carried on the Disney Channel.


Ricky Ullman plays Phil, who appears to be a high school sophomore.


"Phil of the Future" is a comedy about a family from the year 2121 sent back in time to the year 2005 due to a faulty time machine. Phil, the main character, his parents, and sister try to fit in until Dad can repair their time machine.


The seies is sent in contemporary terms.


I presume there is some imaginative 2121, but for the most part the costuming is comtemporary. One exception is a brief scene in one of the first episodes in which Phil, the main character, appears in what was meant to be a 1950s school uniform. It wasn't like anything high school sophmore's wore in America during the 1950s, even in private schools. Such uniforms were, however, worn in Britain.


In the episode, "Dinner Time", Phil's assistant high school principal has moved in next door. They plan a cookout to welcome him to the neighborhood. Along the way, however, the time machine malfunctions and Phil's parents are transported back to William Shakespeare's time. Phil and his sister try to bring them back to the present without arousing the assistant principal's suspicions. Their efforts fail, and they must reveal their secret to him. When he tells the family that he's going to go public with their secret, the faulty time machine sends them back to just before their dinner guest arrives. Phil's parents had wanted their cookout to be a typical, American kind. They used a device to make themselves look like a 1950s couple. Phil and his sister were also made over. Phil appears in a dark blue blazer, white shirt, red and white striped tie, gray shorts, and dark knee socks and shoes. His hair also looks to have been combed into a conventional 1950's style with a generous amount of Brylcreem.


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Created: 6:54 PM 8/8/2005
Last updated: 6:54 PM 8/8/2005