English Wolf Cubs: Outings--Amusement Parks

Figure 1.--

For many Cubs these outings are some of their favorite activities.Here we are collecing accounts from English Scouters about the vatrious Cub outings.

Lancastershire Cubs

An English Scouter reports, "TI took my cub pack on outings to Liverpool museums. We once toured the local cinema and looked in at the projector room. I took them on a day trip by train to London. I also took them to the seaside. We went to a place called Blackpool. It is famous for its illuminations coloured lights that make pictures and are very beautiful. We went by coach. This was a tour company who ran a special coach to Blackpool and the lights. I booked my guys on it."


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Created: October 16, 2003
Last updated: October 16, 2003