Christmas in French-speaking Canada

Figure 1.-- Most French-Canadian Catholic churches have Christmas creches. A French reader writes, "This photograph was taken at St-Jean, Ile d'Orléans. This parish is one of the oldest on the American Continent and many people living in Québec are descents from this Island near Québec who was founded in 1608."

Most French-Canadian Catholic churches have Christmas creches. A French Canadian reader writes, "This photograph was taken at St-Jean, Ile d'Orléans. This parish is one of the oldest on the American Continent and many people living in Québec are descents from this Island near Québec who was founded in 1608. I asked the mother to be photographed with her little boy, fully dressed for going in the cold winter. He loved to show me the little "Enfant-Jésus". For me, those pictures are the true story of a beginning. The beginning of personal life but also the beginning of the French culture in North America."


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Created: 12:02 AM 11/28/2005
Last updated: 12:02 AM 11/28/2005