Boys' Clothing for Parties

Figure 1.--Children's costumae parties could be quite elaborate affairs. They used to be more popular than the case today. This Australian photograph is undated, but wa takebn some time in the early 20th century.

There has been a evolution of party clothes. Children once wore their best clothes to go to parties like birthday parties. This varied somewhat by the type of party. Birthday parties in particular were dressed up occassions. Children often wore their best clothes to parties. One exception here was costume parties. Dressing up in elaborate costumes was very popular. This was generally the case until well after World War II. Parties are now primarily casual events. Costime events with the exception of Halloween are not as popular as they once were. Our familiarity with parties is primarily American, but hopefully our readers will provide some insights into other countries.


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Created: March 8, 2004
Last updated: March 8, 2004