German Boys' Marching Band: Kleine Schuetzentrommler Uniform Garments--Caps

Figure 1.-- The traditional German student's caps is one of the most interesing features of the Kleine Schuetzentrommlerband's uniform. The band has a long history. I'm not sure just when these caps were adopted as part of the uniform. Note the pins on the cap and vest. Click on the image for another view.

The traditional German student's caps is one of the most interesing features of the Kleine Schuetzentrommlerband's uniform. The band has a long history. I'm not sure just when these caps were adopted as part of the uniform. German students have not traditonally wirn school uniforms. Some schools did have school caps like these. The trim was often done in colors which identified the school and or class. I do not have a great deal of information about thee caps, but they are very traditional. Note the garland and flowers which trim the hat. I'm not sure what that means.


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Created: 12:27 AM 7/27/2005
Last updated: 12:27 AM 7/27/2005