Seaside Resorts: Japan

Figure 1.--Here we see Japanese children at a beach sprikler. We have never seen such a high one. The image is undated but looks to be from the 1920s. Hopefully Japanese readers will be able to read the characters on the sprinkler.

We know very little about Japanese beach resorts at this time. We do not know the names of the major resorts or when the beach became a popular vacation activity. We do note such images provided by a Japanese reader which show Japanese children enjoying the beach in the early 20th century. We do not, however, have any written sources describing Japanese beach resorts and the history the seaside as a popular vacation destimation. We know that bathing in home and public facilities is very important to the Japanese. We are unsure how this has affected attitides toward sea bathing.


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Created: April 30, 2003
Last updated: April 30, 2003