Italian First Communion (about 1925-26)

Figure 1.--The Italian boy here seems to be about 10 years old. He wears a white suit which seems a bit large for him and comes down a bit low on his body. I at thought at first it seemed to be double breasted with a collar that obscures his shirt underneath. Note, however, that it is not double-breasted, but rther off center buttoning, rather like a tunic.

The Italian boy here seems to be about 10 years old. He wears a white suit which seems a bit large for him and comes down a bit low on his body. I at thought at first it seemed to be double breasted with a collar that obscures his shirt underneath. Note, however, that it is not double-breasted, but rther off center buttoning, rather like a tunic. The boy wears matching knee pants with long white stockings and white strap shoes. He is carrying a prayer book or missal and wears the traditional white ribbon bow on his left sleeve. Notice the Dutch boy haircut--a style that covers his ears and includes bangs. I don't think this was very common in Italy. It suggests to me that he came from a wealthy family. We know nothing of the boy's identity except that he later imigrated to the United States. The date is a bit vague, but the source suggests that the portrait is from the mid-1920s and was taken in Italy. Some additional information on this Italian boy is available.


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Created: 1:05 AM 7/9/2006
Last edited: 7:47 PM 7/16/2006