Advertising: Wavex Badmiton Paddle (Korea, 2006)

Figure 1.- We notice this ad wich we first thought to be Japanese. A reader tells us that it is probanly Korean. It appears to be from a 2006 on-line catalog. I think it is selling what looks to be Wavex badmiton paddles.

We notice an ad that looks to be for badminton paddles. We thought it a dirst might be Japanese. We think it is probably dated 2005 or 2006. It possibly could be Chinese, we are just not sure. I think the tights are more common in Japan, but we have seen Chinese children wering sportswear like this. I think it is selling what looks to be Wavex badmiton paddles. We assume this is what the ad is designed to sell because you can read the brand name on the paddles. I'm not sure where the add appeared. It looks like a magazine or Sunday supplement page. A reader writes, "Looks too unsubtly colorful to me to be Japanese. I think it might be a Korean advertisement, probably from an on-line catalog. Internet shopping is very advnced in Korea."


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Created: 12:57 AM 5/6/2006
Last updated: 12:57 AM 5/6/2006