Herbert and Kurt Hender (Germany, 1926)

Figure 5.--The fifth picture is dated 14th August 1926, a month later than the fourth portrait. The boys look to be about 4 and 8 years old. Here they are pictured in identical white short pants sailor suits. The white suits look more approprite for the summer. Image courtesy of the MD collection. Click on the image for another view.

The fifth picture is dated 14th August 1926, a month later than the fourth portrait. The boys look to be about 4 and 8 years old. Here they are pictured in identical white short pants sailor suits. The white suits look more approprite for the summer. We assume the collars and cuffs of these traditional suits are done in blue. This closeup of the boys shows nicely how the scarves are tied. The boys have white ankle socks. Their footwear is not shown here, but click on the image for another view. The boys atre wearing black strap shoes with three quarter white socks. White kneesoicks were beginning to repklace three-quarter socks, but these boys still wear the older three-quarter length style. Their white socks have a colored pattern. Notably none of the portraits show them wearing long over-the-knee stockings. This may have been more of a working-class style. The boys still have the same identical bangs, although Herbert has a little flair on his at the sides. The front fringe is now lower on their foreheads. Their hair is also now the same color. The boys here are shown reading a book. Another view shows them with a sailboat. Almost surely they would sail it in the pond of the closest park.


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Created: August 30, 2002
Last updated: September 11, 2003