Figure 1.--This cabinet photo shows a boy with a cane and a top hat wearing what looks like a tuxedo. . The portrait may come from Mossuri. There is writing on the back indicating that the boy was Arthur J. Miller. He looks to be about 6-7 years old. He has long hair which I believe have been done in einglet curls. The portrait is undated, but I believe was taken about 1870.

Arthur J. Miller (United States, about 1870)

This cabinet photo shows a boy with a cane and a top hat wearing what looks like a tuxedo. I'm not sure about the neckwar. It looks rather like some sort of cross tie. The portrait may come from Missouri. There is writing on the back indicating that the boy was Arthur J. Miller. He looks to be about 6-7 years old. He has long hair which I believe have been done in ringlet curls. The portrait is undated, but I believe was taken about 1870. We have xseen commercial postcards with little boys dressed up in adult clothes. This wasn't the case here. The portrait appears to be an actual portrait ad these were clothes the boy actually wore.


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Created: 11:05 PM 12/26/2006
Last edited: 11:05 PM 12/26/2006