Figure 1.-- Here we see Arthur Proulx and his pug dog Ruth. Unfortunately we have no information about Arthur. We do know that the snap shot was taken in 1908. Arthur wears a white or light-colored tunic suit with double"t"-stap sandals without any socks.

Arthur Proulx (United States, 1908)

Here we see Arthur Proulx and his pug dog Ruth. Unfortunately we have no information about Arthur. We do know that the snap shot was taken in 1908. Arthur wears a white or light-colored tunic suit with double"t"-stap sandals without any socks. As tghe photograph was taken on September 22, we suspect that Arthur was from the South.


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Created: 6:50 AM 9/23/2006
Last edited: 6:50 AM 9/23/2006