Canadian Hosiery: Vintage Garments

Figure 1.--This pair of children's long wool and cotton blend stockings are by Goodwear Hose of Canada. They are original footwear from the late 1940s and have the original label still attached. They measure 15 inches from top to toe and thus are for a younger child.

A HBC reader mentions a pair of children's long wool and cotton blend stockings by Goodwear Hose of Canada. They are original footwear from the late 1940s and have the original label still attached with the long wearing claim. They measure 15 inches from top to toe and thus are for a younger child. They are a light coco-brown color and have the words (Wool & Cotton) printed on the foot of the socks. Notice the stitching.


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Created: June 22, 2001
Last updated: May 18, 2003