Germn 19th Century Portrait: Unidentified Boy

Figure 1.--This German boy wears a double breasted knickers suit. The portrait is undated, but we would guess the 1870s. Notice the hat (with a feather) on the chair and the stripped stockings. Image courtesy of Album 1900.
This is an unidentified portrait. We do not know who the boy is, only that he is German. He seems rather elegantly dressed and we would guess that he comes from an affluent family. Hevlooks about 8 years old. The portrait is undated, but we would guess the 1870s. The boy wears a double breasted knickers suit. Notice the hat (with a feather) on the chair. He wears his suit buttoned to the collar with only a white wing collar showing. He wears knickers. They seem rather long and are tucked into his stripped stockings. A reader writes, "With the bottoms of his trousers tucked into his striped socks, is he wearing knickers?" While the knickers seem long, they do appear to be kickers. We are not sure what kind of leg closing these knickes have.


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Created: March 11, 2004
Last updated: March 12, 2004