Greek Boys Clothes Chronology: World War II Occupation--Schools (1941-44)

Figure 1.--Some teachers did their best to continue teaching. Some even taught on the steeps of burned out schools. I am not sure where the school pictured here was located or why it was burned, but it was apparently a school in the occupied area. .

Schools were scalled back during the occupation. The same pattern occurred in both the Itlaian and German occupied areas and we assume the Bulgarian occupied area. I am not sure just why school was scaled back. I do not know if there was a lack of resources by the Greek Government under occuoation or if it was a decission by the Germans and Italians to limit Greek schooling. Nor do I know to what extent the German and Italian authorities ciontrolled who the teachers were and what they taught. I do not think that the Italians insisted that Italian be spoken in Greek schools, but have few details at this time. The school year of 1941-42 lasted only 3 months. That of 1942-43 was only 20 days. I am not sure about 1943-44. Unable to attend school, many students even quite young children commited themselves to political activism. Some teachers did their best to continue teaching. Some even taught on the steeps of burned out schools. I am not sure where the school pictured here was located or why it was burned. The Resistance did manage to liberate some areas of Greece before the British arrived in October 1944. These were mostly small villages in isolated, mountaneous areas.

Schools in the Occupied Area

Schools were scalled back during the occupation. The same pattern occurred in both the Itlaian and German occupied areas and we assume the Bulgarian occupied area. I am not sure just why school was scaled back. I do not know if there was a lack of resources by the Greek Government under occuoation or if it was a decission by the Germans and Italians to limit Greek schooling. Other than the limited school sessins, we know virtually nothing about wjat went on in these schools. We do I know to what extent the German and Italian authorities controlled who the teachers were and what they taught. In Albania and Slovenia to the north, the Italians insisted that Italian be spoken and taught in the schools. The Germans in their zone of Slovenia which was annexed to the Reich insisted on German. I am not sure about school policies in other areas of Yugoslavia such as Croatia and Serbia. Kosovo was annexed to Italian occupied Albabia. I do not think that the Italians insisted that Italian be spoken in Greek schools, but have few details at this time. The school year of 1941-42 lasted only 3 months. That of 1942-43 was only 20 days. I am not sure about 1943-44. Unable to attend school, many students even quite young children commited themselves to political activism. Some teachers did their best to continue teaching. Some even taught on the steeps of burned out schools. I am not sure where the school pictured here was located or why it was burned, but it was apparently a school in the occupied area.

Schools in Free Greece

The Resistance did manage to liberate some areas of Greece before the British arrived in October 1944. These were mostly small villages in isolated, mountaneous areas. For the most part they were no strategically located. The Ressistance was able to enlarge the area of Free Greece after the Italians withdrew from the War in 1943. This left the Germans streached increasingly thin and unable to muster suffient resources to maintain control of evey Greek village. We have little information on these schools sch as who controlled them and who the teachers were. A sample book from a Free Greece school can be seen on the Aetopoula page.


Mazower, Mark. Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944 (Yale University Press, 1993), 437p.


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Created: March 20, 2003
Last updated: March 20, 2003