Budapest Brothers: Chronology 1905

Figure 2.--This 1905 portrait shows the boys on vacation at "Siofok" which is a holiday resort town on Lake Balaton in Hungary. While his brothers wear white middy blouses for the vacation, Pisti wears his heavy cadet uniform and cap. HBC is not sure if this was his choice or the school required him to wear his uniform even when not at school.

The boys in 1905 were outfitted in identical white sailor suits for a vacation outing at "Siofok" which is a holiday resort town on Lake Balaton in Hungary. Both Viki and Villy now about 10 and 6 years old wear white middy blouses and black kneepants with wide-brimmed straw hats for the vacation. Their older brother, Pisti, who is now about 14 years old wears his heavy cadet uniform and cap. HBC is not sure if this was his choice because he or his parents are proud that he is a cadet or the school required him to wear his uniform even when not at school. For a while Pisti and Viki were dressed alike. Now that Pisti is a cadet and Villi has been breached, it is Viki and Villi that are dressed alike.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 21, 2002
Last updated: August 21 2002