Budapest Brothers: Chronology 1908

Figure 2.--.

The boys by 1908 were no longer being dressed alike. The older boys had outgrown that and the younger boys are to far apart in age. There are several interesting aspects to the boys' clothing that show changing fashions in the 20th century as well as the older boys' military careers. Pisti the oldest brother wears his cadet uniform. It looks very much like the uniform he was wearing in 1905. Notice the belt worn over the jacket. Viki also is now a cadet, although his uniform is different. His uniform is much plainer than his older brother's uniform. We know that he became a naval cadet, alhough thaere is nothing to indicate that it is a naval cadet uniform. Villy has close cropped hair wears which he wears with a tradutionally styled white sailor suit. Note that the variety of sdailor suit styles his older brothers wore are no longer seen. Also note that he seems to be wearing short pants without stockings. His older brothers mostly wore kneepoants with long stockings. Fredy's outfit is are notably different than the clothes his older brothers wore. Rather than a dress or other skirted garment, he wears a rather casual top with a square collar and shorts. This is the only portrait of one of the boys with curls. The boys all had their hair cropped short at an early age. Also we note a remoteness between the boys. The older boys with their military training have a more formal relationship. The two younger boys with their difference in age do not have the cliose realtiinship that Pisti and Viki shared as little boys.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 21, 2002
Last updated: August 21 2002