Budapest Brothers: Chronology 1913

Figure 1.--All four brothers are seen here in 1913. he two older boys by 1913 look to be in the military. Pisti is a young arm officer and Viki looks to be a naval midshipman. Villy did not go to military school and wears a suit. Fredy wears a smock--the only image with one of the boys wearing a smock. Image courtesy of the MD collection..

The boys by 1913 are getting older and no longer dressed alike as they were when they were younger boys. The two older boys by 1913 look to be in the military. Pisti is a young arm officer. Notice all the fancy braid. The sword is especially significant and means that he is a commissioned officer. We are not sire about the type of service. Probably a uniform expert could tell us. Viki is wearing a naval uniform. He looks to be a naval midshipman rather than a cadet. Villy did not go to military school and wears a suit. I'm not sure about his collar. We do not know why Villy decided not to persue a military career. Fredy wears a smock--the only image with one of the boys wearing a smock. It is a back buttoning smock with a large Eton-like collar and bow. You might have thought posing with his older brothers in uniform that he would have wanted to werar one of his sailor suits. The year 1913 of course was the final year of peace. Germany to support Austria decalared war on France and marched through Belgium in August 1914 launching World War I. The two oldest brothers would have been involved in the War--we do not know how they fared. We also do not know if Villy managed to stay out of the military. Given his age he almost certainly was drafted if he did not volunteer.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 20, 2002
Last updated: August 20, 2002