Austrian Boys Clothes: Budapest Brothers Hair Styles--Baby Curls

Figure 1.--Fredy and Villy are seen here in 1908. Fredy wears casual short pants and a square collared shirt with curls. This is the longest hair we have ever noted in the boys. Villy has very close-cropped although not sgaved hair. He wears a traditional white sailor suit.

The boys' hair when they were infants was allowed to grow. Some images show the boys at 1-2 years old with curly hair. We have only two photographs showing baby curls, but it appears to have been the general pattern. The hair was never allowed to grow really long, but it cerainly looked long next to their slihjtly older brothers. We see both Villy and Fredy with these baby curls. Presumably Pisti and Viki also wore their hair in this sttyle when they were very young. This was in contrast to their older brother or brothers who often wore hair so short that they almost look bald, available image show this sharp difference.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 23, 2002
Last updated: August 23, 2002