Austrian Boys Clothes: Budapest Brothers Hair Styles--Shaved Heads

Figure 1.--Villy and Fredy are seen here in similar sailor suits in 1909. Their hair is close cropped, almost shaved. Neither of these boys went to mikitary school, but when older brothers did their hair was allowed to grow out.

The boys in several photographs look to have shaved heads. Note the portrait on the previous main hair page taken in 1900. This practice continued with Villy and Fredy as can be seen here in 1909 (figure 1). The boys appear to have had their hair shaved or closely cropped at about age 3. We are not positive that they were actually shaved, but it cerainly looks like it. Boys from poor families often had their heads shaved as a sanitary measure. This was not the case here as these boys clearly came from an affluent family that dressed well and took family vacations. We rather suspect that it was the influence of a father in the military. Apparently their father just liked the style for boys. We do not know whjat their maother may havde thought about it, or for that matter what the boys themselves may have thought. Interestingly the boys' hair was allowed to grow out when they approacched the age to enter military school. Neither of these boys went to mikitary school, but when older brothers did their hair was allowed to grow out. Fredy's hair in the end allowed to grow out at an earlier age than was the case for older brother Villy.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 23, 2002
Last updated: August 23, 2002