United States Families: The Gore Family (1755)

Figure 1.--John S. Copley painted the four Gore Children about 1755. We know nothing about the family at this time. They clearly was a very affluent family. Note the rich fabrics and elegant clothing. The painting is now at the Winterthur Museum. The painting shows Sammy Gore (on the right)who has not yet been breeched. His hair is combed back from his forehead and he has fashionable side curls worn with a queue. This was how some men wore their hair. His older brother, however, has his hair done differently.

John S. Copley painted the four Gore Children about 1755. We know nothing about the family at this time. They clearly was a very affluent family. Note the rich fabrics and elegant clothing. The painting is now at the Winterthur Museum. The painting shows Sammy Gore (on the right) who has not yet been breeched. His hair is combed back from his forehead and he has fashionable side curls worn with a queue. This was how some men wore their hair. His older brother, however, has his hair done differently. I am not sure why the boys have their hair done differently. Notice while Sammy weara a dress, his hair is not done like his sisters' hair. Note the older broter's long coat and long vest. Their father woulkd have worn a very similar outfit. Also notice the sundued colors. The girls and Sammy have bright-colored clothing. Also note Sammy's dress. There does not seem to be any boy's clothing in between the older brother's adult outfit and Sammy's dress.


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Created: 12:52 AM 2/25/2007
Last updated: 12:52 AM 2/25/2007