America and Colonialism

Figure 1.--

America of course began as an English colony in the 17th century. The American Revolution and the break with England came in part because of seconomic and other restrictions placed on America by the British Government. Many of these restrictions were ended after the loss of America so as not to disrupt British administration of colonies in the 19th century. America became an imperial power in a limited way with the acquisition of Spanish colonies (Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico) as a result of the Spanish American War. This ininiated a domestic political debate over colonialism. American actions in the 1920s in the Caribbean during the 1910s-20s lokked to many like a kind of colonialism. President Roosevelt attekmpted to improve relations in Latin America with the Good Neigbor policy, but inballance of power between the United States and Latin America has been a continuing problem. The Philippines was later given its independencev (1946). Puerto Rico is today a Commonwealth and its future status is a coninuing issue in the United States and in Puerto Rico itself. The United sTates throughout its history has opposed imperialism. Its first action was the Monroe Doctrine which rejected European collonization in the Americas. At thre time, however, the United States did not have the military polential to enforce the doctrine. There were incidents throughout the 19th century between the Europeans and the United States. One of the most serious was the French attempt to create a colony in Mexico to be rulled by the Austrian Arch Duke Maximillian (1860s). There was also a contentious confrontation between Britain and America over Venezuela (1890s). Relations with France and Europe improved in part because of World War I (1914-18), but the issue of collonialism was a continuing one and one that complicated Anglo-American cooperation during World war II. The War was in fact the end of European colonialism and most colonies obtained their independence in the 1950s-60s. With the demise of the Eurpean empires a issue has emerged. First the Communists and than others have charged that America and Europe maintain a neo-colonial world system which exploits developing countries. This is a charge whih has been widely adopted in the Islamic world.

Colonial America

America of course began as an English colony in the 17th century. The American Revolution and the break with England came in part because of seconomic and other restrictions placed on America by the British Government. Many of these restrictions were ended after the loss of America so as not to disrupt British administration of colonies in the 19th century.

American Colonies

America became an imperial power in a limited way with the acquisition of Spanish colonies (Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico) as a result of the Spanish American War. This ininiated a domestic political debate over colonialism. American actions in the 1920s in the Caribbean during the 1910s-20s lokked to many like a kind of colonialism. President Roosevelt attekmpted to improve relations in Latin America with the Good Neigbor policy, but inballance of power between the United States and Latin America has been a continuing problem. The Philippines was later given its independencev (1946). Puerto Rico is today a Commonwealth and its future status is a coninuing issue in the United States and in Puerto Rico itself.

Opposition to European Colonialism

The United sTates throughout its history has opposed imperialism. Its first action was the Monroe Doctrine which rejected European collonization in the Americas. At thre time, however, the United States did not have the military polential to enforce the doctrine. There were incidents throughout the 19th century between the Europeans and the United States. One of the most serious was the French attempt to create a colony in Mexico to be rulled by the Austrian Arch Duke Maximillian (1860s). There was also a contentious confrontation between Britain and America over Venezuela (1890s). Relations with France and Europe improved in part because of World War I (1914-18), but the issue of collonialism was a continuing one. The Royal Navy after World developed contegency plans with America as the most likely future adversary. The issue of colonialism was one that complicated Anglo-American cooperation during World war II. Mrs. Roosevelt debated with Prime-


With the demise of the Eurpean empires a new issue has emerged. First the Communists and than others have charged that America and Europe maintain a neo-colonial world system which dominates and exploits developing countries. One author writes, "NATO and US are trying to take over the world through the slow erosion of indigenous cultures. Economic groups such as the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) are used to undermine local governments." This is a charge whih has been widely adopted in the Islamic world.



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Created: June 6, 2004
Last updated: June 6, 2004