Israel and Palestine: Reader Comments

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HBC deals with many controversial issues. Few are more controversial than the Isreali-Palestinian conflict. Our approach to this issue as with other issues covered by HBC is to prevent as much of the facts as possible and to try draw back from judgements based on emotions. We encourage readers to challenge information that they do not agree with or information they may think important. Our general experience here is that many people have formed an opinion on this conflict and are only interested in facts that justify their opinion. Our interest is in collecting as much information from as wide a range of sources as possible. Of course many facts are in question, but many facts are incontestable by fair-minded observers. Readers are welcomed to comment on the pages that we have worked up or issues of concern on this subject. We or other readers may comment.

British Reader

A British reader writes, "America's unconditional support for the attrocities carried out by Israel is the root cause of anti-americanism around the world. If Isreal would leave the palestinians alone, the whole situation would improve. Yes, we know the Palestinians have fought back for 60 years, but World opinion is that Israel has invaded land which it does not own, is not entitled to occupy, and is illegally governing. The sooner Israel fully withdraws to it's legitimate 1966 borders, the sooner peace will arrive. Yes, we know that it has taken a long time for most Palestinians to accept that Israel has a right to exist, but they have accepted it (some more than others). We also know that Israel has never paid a penny in compensation to the farmers and villagers whose land has been acquired, whether lawfully or not, to create the state of Israel. If Israel had bought the land, albeit compulsory purchase, their would be less bitterness. All Jewish hill-top settlements in West Bank have got to be removed, or governed by the Palestianians. All citizens of Israel must be treated equally, whether muslim, christian, or Jew. At the moment, not all citizens can vote, or have passports. If my next door neighbour decides tonight that he needs a wider drive-way to get into his property, and moves our fence 3 yards, I will be annoyed. If he explains his problem and asks me first, I will be happier. If he pays me for the land I lose, I might agree. But if he justs helps himself, claiming that his ancestors 2000 years ago owned the entire plot, I will fight back."

British Reader--Border Fence

Some actions by Israel are provocative and inflamatory, such as building the fence 2-5 km away from the border. This is a landgrab. People who have a grievance will get around a fence. The bombers will find a new method. If the fence was in the right place, no problem. But building it where it is only causes more trouble. There are plans to extend the fence, every inch of it is miles inside Palestinian territory. The fence has gates, Jews can pass freely, to take the shortest suitable route. Palestinians have to go the long way round. Descrimination. More offence.


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Created: 10:31 PM 3/9/2007
Last updated: 10:31 PM 3/9/2007