British World War II Evacuation of Children: Choice

Figure 1.--Here we see a Government poster urging parents to evacuate the children. I'm not sure just when this poster aopeared.

It should not be thought that the Government ordered parents to evacuate the children. The Government strongly advised parents to evacuate London and other target cities. There was an advertising campaign to convince parents of the need to participate in the program. But it did not order parents to participate. This meant families had to make heart wrenching decessions. Many of the children were very young and had never been away from home before. Some were too young to understand. Others were old enough to understand and wanted no part of it. Some saw it as a grea adventure. Parents were understandably reluctant to part with their children. Many refused to do so. Some only sent some of the children, often keeping thge very youngest or the oldest. Here choices varied from country to country. Even during the worst of the Blitz in London during 1940 there were still masny children their as can be seen in the photographs of the bomb shelters and shtreet photgraphs. I am not sure just what percentage of the children were actually evacuated.


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Created: 4:26 AM 6/17/2005
Last updated: 4:26 AM 6/17/2005