German Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 2005

Figure 1.--Here we see Neckermann offering long-sleeved T-shirts with cartoon characters complete with English wording. The clothes have a very american look. Looking at the styles it is impossible to tell that these items were offered in A german catalog. We think long-sleeve T-shirts were probably more popular in Germany than America..

German boys wear seems dominated by casual styles. The clothes have an American look to them. These same styles are worn by boys throughout Europe and America. We note clothing like "T"-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans very commonly. Cartoon logo seem popular, including Sponge Bob Square Pants. There seems little that can be described as destinctively German. We notice ads for casual styles in the Quelle. catalog. The styles look the same as those worn throughout Europe and America. The Neckerman catalog offered footless tights. Tights for boys are a fashiin that are popular in German and some other northern European countries, but virtually unknown in England, France, and many other countries.


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Created: 10:09 PM 1/24/2005
Last updated: 10:09 PM 1/24/2005