German Mail Order Catalogs: Overcoats and Capes, 1935

Figure 1.--Along with the overcoats for boys and girls. This company also offered a cape. We have seen these capes more commonly worn in France. We are not sure just how commonly worn they were in Germany.

Along with the overcoats for boys and girls. This company also offered a cape. We have seen these capes more commonly worn in France. We are not sure just how commonly worn they were in Germany. The boy here wears his cape with a flat cap. Berets were more common in France. The boy wears either short pant or knickers with what look like long stockings. Notice that one of the girl's coats has a hood. We do not notice a hood on any of the boys' coats, although it looks like the cape may have a hood. Unfortunately we have few details as the ad copy is not available.


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Created: October 5, 2003
Last updated: October 6, 2003