Figure 1.--The Sears catalog in 1897 offered children's hose suppoters for children up to age 14 as well as other types of supporters. |
Sears offered a variety of supporters of various kinds in 1897. The same style of stockings supporters for both boys and girls in size 2-14 years. It doubled as a shoulder brace and waist supporter for holding up skirts and pants. There were also ladies', misses', and children's shoulder braces; aldies' combination belts; and ladies' skirt suppoters. The ad copy for the "Model Hose Supporter reads, "The Model Hose Supporter for children, a comination as a shoulder brace, waist and hise supporter. Waist band has two rows of buttons to attach buttons to. Colors black and white . Sizes 2 to 14 years. Eacr 25 cents' per doz ... $2.85." We have noted boys older than 14 wearing kneepants and long stockings, but this may have been more in the 1900s than the 1890s.
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