Best Younger Children Summer Lawn Dresses: Hand-made Styles (1918)

Figure 1.--Two of these dresses look to us like dresses wich may have been seen as suitable, but not exclusively for boys. All three offered a blue/pink option. The dress on the right was front buttoning.


The model here suggests to us tht this dress might be worn by a boy and we note the trimming was done in blue or pink. The ad copy read, "Dress of lawn, ticked in the back as well as in the front; blue or pink collar and cuffs. 1 to 3 years ... $1.50."


We are not sure about this dress. The model is clearly a girl as she has a hair bow. I'm not sure about the collar, I think it might have been seen as girlish. We note, however, that Best uses the term "children" rather than specifically girls. The ad copy read, "DIMITY IS ALWAYS FINE and pretty for little children. White dress, hand smocked in a combination of blue and pink; collar and cuffs finished with French dots. Size 1 to 3 years ... $2.00"


This looks like a dress that could have been worn by a boy. Best tends to use box plear=ts in the boy dresses. We note that there was a blue/pink option. I'm not sure why it was considered quaint, but the front buttoning seens rather boyish. The term kiddies also suggest that boys as well as girls might have worn it. The ad copy read, "NAINSOOK, BOX PLEATED, makes this quaint little dress which buttons down the front. Collar and suffs and belt of pink or blue chambrayfinish an attractive little dress for kiddies from 1 to 3 years ... $2.25."


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Created: 2:25 AM 2/6/2006
Last updated: 2:25 AM 2/6/2006