Best Younger Children Summer Lawn Dresses: Hand-made Styles (1918)

Figure 1.--These dress on the left seems appropriate for girls, in part because of the ruffles. The dress on the right, however, is clear shown as suitable for a boy. The ad copy, however, offers no clues except the color option.


We would say that this dress was for a girl. The dress is done as a smock, but the ruffled trim give it a girlish look. The model seems to have been a girl. There was, however, a blue/pink option. This dress was only done in sizes up to 2 years. Girlish touches may have been more acceotable for 1 and 2 yearold boys. The ad copy read, "THIS NEW DRESS of fine lawn is trimmed with blue or pink hand stitching and narrow lace edge at the collar, sleeves and the pockets. Deep hem. 1 and 2 years. ... $2.50"


This clearly looks like a dress that would have been suitable for a boy. Best shows it bein worn with a boy model. There are no clues in the ad copy, however, except the color option. The ad copy read, "THIS RUSSIAN MODEL dress of white percale with sailor collar and cuffs of navy, pink or corn. 1 to 3 years. ... $2.75.


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Created: 2:25 AM 2/6/2006
Last updated: 2:25 AM 2/6/2006