*** historical girls' clothing fashion costume styles countries Hungary

Historical Girls' Clothing: Countries--Hungary

Hungarian girl dresses
Figure 1.--Here we see four girls in a rural Hungariab villages. The photo was taken in 1939 hust before the outbreak of World War II. Notice the trim on the sleeve of their blouses. They are dressed identiuclly, but we are not sure that they are sisters.

There were two basic fashion styles in Hungary, a patten common in Europe, especilly central and eastern Europe where in modern times feudal patterns persisted longer than in Western Europe. The first was fashionable urban styles. Aristocratic and middle-clasa styles in Budapest and the other cities were commonly the styles influenced by French and to a lesser extent Germany. This was a kind of pan-European style. And while there were national and regional variations, a Hungarian city girl would not feel out of place anywhere in Europe. Second was peasant or folk styles commonly worn in the countryside. In this predomimately agriculturl country, this until after World War II was where the bulk ofthe popultion lived. While we do not have 19th century images, we do have some from the early-20th century. The Hungarian fashion imprint was also notable in the areas once controlled by Hungary.. The Hungarian influence was often expressed with trim, varying from region to region. As in other countries, peasant styles persised for women abd girls longer hn men and boys. This was originated in folk or peasant clothing, but over time affected city fasion as well, becoming a kind of national styling.


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Created: 8:49 AM 8/25/2022
Last updated: 8:50 AM 8/25/2022