American Girls Dresses: Fabric Patterns

American girls dress plaid
Figure 1.-- This cabinent card is identified as Eastman with four locations in Oregon and Washington. It shows a girl wearing alid dress and huge plaid waist bow. She wears a plaid dress. Plaid was also a popular pattern for boy dresses, presumbly becuse of the association with kilts. The portrait is undated but we would guess was taken in the 1880s.

Fabric paterns are both woven and printed. The technolgy for both existed by the time America was established. Plaid was a populr woven pattern,bit there were others. Thes were often dlom on heavy wollen garments. Printed paterns were much more diverse. They were espeially popular on light weight nd light-colored cloth cloth for summer dresses and the print could be almost anything. Vlico dresses were common as was ginham. Print dresses existed in the 19th century, but we do not notice many until the 20th century. We are not entirely sure why this was. Perhaps we have just not noticed it. We also see dark prints, alrgough we are not sure just when they first appeared. Plaid was not only a woven pattern. There were alsp plaid print dresses, although we are not sure just when they began to be produced. One interesting development is that during the depression, flour comapnies began to do their sacks in prints that could be used for dress making matrial. This is a topic that we need to work on more. Perhaps reader will be able to add insights.


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Created: 1:33 AM 1/1/2017
Last updated: 1:34 AM 1/1/2017