The Small Miracle (United States, 1951)

Figure 1.--We do not yet have any information on Italian children's literature. We do know of a charming little book set in Italy by an American author. A British reader remembers reading it a a little boy.

The book jacket describes the book as a "simple and sincere story of the faith--and determination--of a little Italian boy from modern Assisi". A film version was made--"Never Take No Answer for an Answer". The author is Paul Gallicio (1897-1976) who is presumably of Italian ancestry. Actually his mother was Italian and his father Austrian.) Gallico is better known as the author of The Snow Goose. The illustrator is David Knight. A British reader writes, "I've found the book I got as a prize for R.E. ( or Scripture as we called it) at my primary school that I mentioned when I was talking about my Sunday school. You can see why as a child I was disappointed with the illustrations as compared to the bold Ladybird Book illustrations. I didn't realise it had been made into a film as the cover blurb of the book mentions - I've never seen it - even on T.V. but would be very interested if anyone has as I loved the story (the illustrations took away from it I felt as a kid.) Costume is not mentioned in the book except that the boy goes barefooted. It's set in 1950s Italy so I don't know how accurate these illustrations are. In the playground after the prizegiving one of my mates said the boy looked like he was wearing pyjamas. I wasn't impressed.


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Created: March 14, 2004
Last updated: March 14, 2004