Boyhood Photographs of Famous Individuals: Quiz on 19th Century Images

Figure 1.--This future American President was photographed about 1895. He was a bit of a mama's boy. Can you recognize him?

Some individuals look very much as they did as children. Other individuals look very differently. The following photographs are of notable individuals as boys at various ages in typical attire of the era. Can you tell who they are?

We have loaded some images on this page. Some are easy. Others are more difficult. At any rate, see if you can determine the child's gender. Then click on the image to see if you were correct. (The link will take you to the page where the image has a caption identifying him.) Good luck.

Figure 2.--Here's an easy one. I'm sure everyone can identify this family, perhaps the best known family in the world.

Figure 3.--This angellic boy was painted in 1878. It is hard to imagine that he was to play a key role in saving Europe from the horror of brutal NAZI tyfranny.

Figure 4.--Here is a really difficult one. The image is French from a large prominent family. The photograph was yaken in the 1870s. A hint there are both boys and girls among the children--and not just the toddlers.

Figure 5.--This is a really difficult French image. The child wears a pinafore over the dress and has long hair tied with a hair bow. The pinafore in America or Britain in the 1900s would almost certainly be a girl--but remember this is a French child. We know just who it is, so there is no guess work involved. The painting was executed in 1906. What do you think?

Figure 6.--This American child is about 10 years old and reportedly liked to hike in the woods and sketch birds--in fact he turned that into a career. Any American boy growing up in the 1920s-30s would have seen his work. My question is what outfits were involved when the child was not dressed up for a formal photograph. At any rate can you identify the gender?

Figure 7.--These siblings were from a small Mossurri (Mid-Western town). I don't have the date, but I would guess the 1870s. The middle child appears to be wearing a plain smock-like garment. The older child, however, wears a fancier dress complete with puff shoulders. I also don't have specific details on the family, but think the gender here is obvious. What do you think?

Figure 8.--.This French child in the 1890s wears a smock, probably over a dress. Note the long, but uncurled hair. Any ideas? In this case we know just who it was, so there is no guessing about the answer.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 19, 1998
Last updated: June 24, 2002