Vintage Clothing: Emroidered White Tunic Detailing

Figure 1.-- Here is the embroidered rank emblem on the sleeve of the tunic. It was done in all white thread. The stripes on the "V" collar and flap were done with sewn on strips of material.

There is some embroidered white detailing on the back flap and sleeve, but this is difficult to see on the white suit. There are embroideried star designs on the back collar flap. There is also an eagle and 3 V shaped bars on one sleeve. This is a navy rank emblem, that of a chief petty officer. These are all sewn in white thread so they don't show from a distance. The traditional three white stripes are done with sewn on strips of material. The stripes appear on the the "V" collar and flap and at the sleeve cuffs. I'm not sure why the detailing was done in white. White was very popular for summer wear and I supose this way there were no colors to fade.


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Created: 12:46 AM 12/10/2005
Last updated: 12:46 AM 12/10/2005