*** Individual French Schools: Unknown School (Saone-et-Loire, 1907)

Individual French Schools: Unknown School (Saone-et-Loire, 1907)

Saone-et-Loire school
Figure 1.-- Here we have a photograph of a school class some where in the département de Saône et Loire. It seems to show the first year students. They look about 6 years old. The photograph was taken in 1907. Note that their school clothes show considerable variety. Click on the image to see the rest of the class. 

We thought this aphotograph taken at the primary school in the town of Saone-et-Loire. A French reader tells us that this is not the case. Our reader tells us, "Saône et Loire is not a town, and can't be the name of the school. Because Saône et Loire is an administrative area, something like an English county. In France private schools have a religious name. Usually, public school have a "VIP" name about republican education history or litterature. Public schools belong to the town, but never to the "département". I think that this school is probably situated in a town, which can be any where in the "département de Saône et Loire". The name come from 2 rivers : the Saône river, the Loire river. The photograph seem to show the first year students. They look about 6 years old. The photograph was taken in 1907. Note that their school clothes show considerable variety. Of course they all wear knee pants and hightop shoes. There is quite a variety of styles of neck wear. Several noys look to have detachable white collaes and floppy bows. One boy on the left in front wears a rather elegant sailor suit with striped dickey. The boy has a mass of curls that contrast with the hair cuts of the other boys. Only one boy in the front row wears a smock. This surprised us. We thought that smocks were more common in France. There is a mixture of hosiery styles. At least four of the boys wear long black stockings, while other boys seem to wear knee socks or three-quarter socks. The children seem to quite dressed up for their class picture. Notice that the boy in the front row center with his arms crossed and his head cocked seems to be striking an attitude. The hair styles show variety as well. Many of the boys wear their hair quite short, but several boys have bangs, and the boy with the attitude has two prominent curls on his forehead. This is apparently a school for boys only.


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Created: 1:32 AM 11/10/2005
Last updated: 7:52 AM 11/10/2005