Japanese School Shorts: Suspension

Figure 1.--Here the girls wear plaid suspender skirts. The suspender straps are in the same material as the skirts. Most but not all of the boys wear regular shorts in the samec plaid material, but black clip on suspenders. Curiously some of the voys' shorts here have the brass buttons like the girls for the suspender straps and some do not. For some reason, suspender shorts were not very popular in Japan,

We are not entirely sure about the suspension of Japanese school shorts. We notice that the girls commonly wear suspender skirts. Suspender shorts, however, are not very common. We see some boys with clip on suspenders, but not the supenders straps in the same material and attached to the shorts. We see some boys wearing suspender shorts, but not very many. We do not know why this difference developed. Japanese short pants seem to have been influenced by European styles and suspender shorts were quite common in Europe in the 1940s and 50s when current school fashions were set in Japan. We are not sure if belts were very common. Many boys seem to be wearing black belts on navy blue shorts making it hard to notice the beltts. We do note older primary boys wearing belts. We dp not, however, have much information on the types of belts worn. Some of the shorts may have had partial elastic waists.


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Created: 3:50 AM 4/25/2007
Last updated: 3:50 AM 4/25/2007