Argentine School Smocks: Color

Figure 1.-- Here we see a private school with the children wearing both white and colored smocks. We're not sure what colors the smocks were. Some of the boys look to be wearing suit jackets, but I believe these are colored smocks. We believe the photoigraph was taken in the 1970s.

HBC has very limited information on Argentine school smock colors. Argentine children appear to wearing primarily white smocks through the 1980s, although our information is still very limited. We note private schools with colored smocks as early as the 1970s. Here we see a private school with the children wearing both white and colored smocks (figure 1). I'm not sure what the colors were. We are not sure how common this was or if it was also common in the state schools. HBC is unsure why white smocks are so common in Argentina. White smocks are also common elesewhere in Latin America: in Uruguay and Bolivia.) It does not appear to be the Italian influence. There are a lot of Italian immigrants in Argentina. HBC has some information on Italian smocks, but blue and other colored smocks appear much more common than white. White smocks seem more common in Spain. One Argentine reader believes the white smocks may have come from doctors' smocks. Colored smocks seem much more common in privatre schools by the 1990s. A common color coinvention was blue for the boys and pink for the girls. We are less sure about the state schools where white appears to be still popular.


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Created: 7:38 PM 7/6/2004
Last updated: 7:39 PM 7/6/2004