School Uniform: French School Smocks--Early 20th Century (1900-19)
Figure 1.--The colotful smocks worn by the girls are in sharp contrast to the mostly dark, solid colored smocks worn by the boys at this rural French school in 1908. This was the left side of the school photograph where most of the girls were placed. Click on the image to the seethe right side with most of the boys.
The principal color appears to be black or dark blue and always solid colors. There were also some light-colored smocks such as the boys in figure 2, probably orphans, are wearing. In most schools secenes, however, the boys appear to be mostly wearing the dark-colored smocks. In some school photographs a few boys, usually the younger ones, may be seen in light colors. The dark-colored smocks, however, generally overwealm the lighter colored smocks. We are not sure just what colors the light-colored smocks are. Light grey appears to be likely, but we have few details at this time. While boys generally wore the dark smocks, we notice considerable diversity in the smocks worn by girls, who wear both a variety of colors and patterns. We do notknow at this time if there were any regional or demographic patterns affecting the colors of school smocks worn by boys in this period.
Christopher Wagner
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Created: March 27, 2002
Last updated: March 27, 2002