Boys' Hair Styles with Hair Bows: Uncurled Hair

Figure 1.--This American boy has uncurled hair with a small colored hair bow. The image is undated, but we think that the portrait was taken about 1880. He looks to be weaing a dress with a jacket and Eton collar.

French boys often wore long uncurled hair. The style often has a rather wild unkept look. This was less common in America, although we note some portraits with American boys wearing hairbow without ringlets. Most of the American impages without ringles were taken before 1885-86 when Little Lord Fauntlroy was published. These images are a small percentage of the available images. This may be due in part because there were so many more photographs available from the 1880s than the 1870s and erlier period. Some reports suggest that hair bows in France were commonly used to hold the uncured hair in place. HBC suspects, however, that the primary purpose was decorative. We believe the long ringlets were more common after the turn of the 20th century in Europe although the limited numbers of available imagesmake it difficult to confirm this.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 22, 2002
Last updated: November 22, 2002