Boys' Pig Tails: Country Trends--United States

Figure 1.-- A HBC reader has provided us this portrait. He believes it is a boy with pig tails, photographed with his baby brother. We are unsure.

Americans boys might wear a single pigtail in the 18th century following the same conventions as Europeans. This disappeared in the 19th century as men an boys began to wear shorter hair. We have few images from the early 19th century. We do begin to note younger boys wearing pig tails in the late 19th and early 20th century. This was not a common style, but we do notice a few examples. In some case the images that we have found do not clearly identify the child as a boy. In some cases it is difficult to tell. A HBC reader has provided us this portrait. He believes it is a boy with pig tails, photographed with his baby brother. We are unsure, especially as the child has a center part. A ewader writes, "Putting the hair in pigtails without a center part would be difficult. A single braid may have been more common but would be hard to detect unless a back view was available. I agree that this hair style seems to have be reserved for girls." Another reader writes, "This looks like a boy dress, note the buttons and the collar bow. Also, notice the prop is a toy horse, which is a typical prop in boys photographs."


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Created: 12:45 AM 1/22/2005
Last updated: 4:30 PM 1/22/2005