Eton Collars: Ireland

Figure 1.--This Irish boy is identified only as "Ryan". He looks to be about 12-13 years old. The drawing was done in 1889. The artist's name is F. Flanigan or Hanigan (we're not sure which it is, the writing looks like it could be either an F or an H). The drawing shows that well-dressed Irish boys were wearing Eton collars in the 1880s.

Eton collars were very commonly worn in Ireland. The fashion is nearly identical to that in England as English fashions were adopted in Ireland as until the 1920s the entire island was part of the United Kingdom. We are unsure when Eton collars began to be worn in Ireland, but suspect that it was about the sane time as England. We have few actual images at this time, but one 1889 drawing shows that the Eton collar was a part of smart boys' attire in the 1880s. The only signicant difference in Ireland was probably that the poverty thaere probably prevented many boys from wearing Eton collars and other fashionable clothes.


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Created: March 17, 2004
Last updated: March 17, 2004