Vintage Canadian Little Lord Fauntleroy Suit (1896)

Figure 1.--This velvet Fauntleroy suit was worn by a Canadian boy in 1896. Notice the white stockings which were beginning to become popular.

This an excellent example of a period Fauntleroy suit worn by a small Canadian boy as his party suit. It was made of a rich burgandy velvet a good example suggesting that many suits that looked like black velvet in black and white photographs. Notice the silk lining and white stockings worn with the suit. Unfortunately we do not know what kind of hat was worn with the suit. The suit was worn for a Quebec wedding, but the boy's name sounds as though he was English Canadian rather than French Canadian.

Museum Entry

La collection du McCord comprend de rares vêtements d’enfants datant du dix-huitième siècle à l’époque moderne. Tout comme les vêtements d’adultes, la plupart des costumes d’enfants de la collection étaient destinés à être portés lors d’occasions spéciales. Cet habit dit du « Petit Lord Fauntleroy » a été désigné ainsi d’après le nom de l’enfant qui portait un tel costume dans le roman de 1886 de Frances Hodgson Burnett, Petit Lord Fauntleroy. À la fin du dix-neuvième siècle, les jeunes garçons étaient souvent vêtus d’un habit de velours avec ceinture, col et poignets de dentelle lors des grandes occasions. Bien entendu, une tenue semblable reflétait davantage les goûts des adultes que ceux des enfants! Cet habit-ci a été porté par Walter Russell Bradford lors d’un mariage célébré en 1896 à Grandby, Québec, où il servait de page.


The museum entry would translate as, "The McCord collection includes rare children's clothing dating from the 18th century to the modern epoch. Just like adult clothing, the majority of the children's costumes in the collection was intended to be worn for special occasions. This outfit known as of the "Little Lord Fauntleroy" was thus named for the child who wore such a suit the 1886 novel of Frances Hodgson Burnett, Little Lord Fauntleroy. At the end of the 19th century, young boys were often outfitted in velvet outfits with sash, lace collar and matching wrist trim for special occasionss. Of course it is understood that this style reflected the fashion preferences of the adults more than those of the children! This dress was worn by Walter Russell Bradford for a marriage celebrated during 1896 in Grandby, Quebec, and he served as a page."


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Created: March 30, 1998
Last updated: May 3, 2002