Unidentified German Family Photographic Album: First Boy--DJ Group Bike Outing

Figure 1.--Here the boys are, we think in Saalfeld or perhaps a town nearby that they cycled to and are looking around. They are enjoyingb the river and some passing ducks.

We note a series of photographs of small groups of DJ boys. They are grouped together in the album. We think they are of the boy here and his friends. It looks to be five friends on a bike ride in and around Saalfeld. Only four boys are pictured in the photographs, but of course someone had to take the photographs. There is only one photograph of the boys on their bikes, but they must have used their bikes to get to the various places that the photographs were taken. It seems to be the boys just having fun in and round Saalfeld rather than any organized DJ activity. These boys are wearing their uniforms. Perhaps the DJ unit sent the boys on small group outings, here we are not sure. The boys are seen in town, in the country side and in local farms. I'm not sure if this shows that boys often wore their uniforms even when not involved in DJ activities, or perhaps these photogrphs show scenes before or after actual activities. The background provides an interesing glimse of Germany in the 1930s.


Here the boys are, we think in Saalfeld before or after the trip (figure 1). Or perhaps a town nearby that they cycled to and are looking around. They are enjoyingb the river and some passing ducks. It would not be far from Saalfeld as they did not have camping gear on their bikes.


Here the boys are on their bikes. Notice that there are five bikes. They did not carry camping gear with them, but did appearently carry some smacks. I'm not sure just what they are munching on or drinking. The boys look to be about 11 years old. As far as we can tell it is another boy taking the photograph. The boys seem ti be on their own without an adult supervisor. Notice they are on a rather small unimproved path and not a road.


Here the boys are taking a break deep in the forrest. Perhaps this spot was right by the path or perhaps they hiked up a hill from the path. This seems to be a gpod outing for boys this age. They seem to be having a good time and enjoying each other's company.


Here the boys are intreagued with some geese they found. They look to be on the outskirts of a small town or village. I think it was fairly common to find geeselike this on farms and small towns. Actually geese can be nasty characters and some would be more than willing to take on boys like these. These boys seem to keeping their distance,


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Created: 7:11 PM 11/2/2007
Last updates: 7:11 PM 11/2/2007