DJ Group Bike Outing: The Bikes

Figure 1.--Here the boys are on their bikes. Notice that there are five bikes. They did not carry camping gear with them, but did appearently carry some smacks. I'm not sure just what they are munching on or drinking. The boys look to be about 11 years old.

Here the boys are on their bikes. Notice that there are five bikes. They did not carry camping gear with them, but did appearently carry some smacks. I'm not sure just what they are munching on or drinking. The boys look to be about 11 years old. As far as we can tell it is another boy taking the photograph. The boys seem ti be on their own without an adult supervisor. Notice they are on a rather small unimproved path and not a road.


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Created: 2:55 AM 11/4/2007
Last updates: 2:55 AM 11/4/2007