English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities--Music

Figure 1.-- Here an older Cub that had learned to play the accordian joins in some Cub singing, we think in the 1970s. It was in the 1970s that you see some Cubs wearing long trousrs even though they were not the regulation uniform.

We note some images of English Cubs involved with Musical instruments. As far as we know, the only formal activity with instruments was with Scout bands. We do note other images of Cubs with musical instruments. This appears to have been primarily informal activities in which Cubs might add musical accompaniment to group singing. Hopefully some English Scouters will know more about this. Cubs of course would be just beginning to learn their instruments, but some older Cubs had developed some skill.

Information Needed

We do not know a great deal about musical instruments and Cubbing. We note some images of English Cubs involved with Musical instruments. We do not fully understand the activities depicted in these images. Hopefully some English Scouters will know more about musical images and Cubbing so we can better understand the available images.


British boys could join the Cubs at age 8 years. These boys of course would be just beginning to learn their instruments. Except for a few especially talented boys, younger Cubs had limited musical skills. Some of the older Cubs had developed some skill.


We notice some Cubs that seem to be practicing band instruments. We suspect that the Cubs are being help to participate in Scout bands. We are not sure to what extent they are preparing for some actual Cub activity. We do not think that they received instrumental training as part of the Cub program. Rather most of the boys were probably learn intruments at school or as part of private tuition. As few British schools had marching bands, what they were leaning at Cubs was probably performing in marching bands. Presumably Scouters with musical training, perhaps those working with Scout bands, assisted Akela here.

Cub Band Groups

As far as we know, the only formal activity with instruments was with Scout bands. We note a few images of all Cub musical groups. We are not sure if they are actually Cub groups or simply units of a large Scout band. Possibly a small Cub group could organize a buggle/frum corps, but more likely they are part of a larger Scout band.


We do note other images of Cubs with musical instruments. This appears to have been primarily informal activities in which Cubs might add musical accompaniment to group singing. Singing is a popular activity in Cubbing and a little musical accompaniment would undoubtedltly be a big hit in Cub packs. Hopefully some English Scouters will know more about this.


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Created: March 12, 2004
Last updated: March 12, 2004