English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities--Cub Band Practice

Figure 1.-- We notice some Cubs that seem to be practicing band instruments. We suspect that the Cubs are being help to participate in Scout bands. We are not sure to what extent they are preparing for some actual Cub activity.

We notice some Cubs that seem to be practicing band instruments. We suspect that the Cubs are being help to participate in Scout bands. We are not sure to what extent they are preparing for some actual Cub activity. We do not think that they received instrumental training as part of the Cub program. Rather most of the boys were probably learn intruments at school or as part of private tuition. As few British schools had marching bands, what they were leaning at Cubs was probably performing in marching bands. Presumably Scouters with musical training, perhaps those working with Scout bands, assisted Akela here.


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Created: March 12, 2004
Last updated: March 12, 2004