Uniforms at the Third World Boy Scout Jamboree: American Contingent

Figure 1.-- This is a group of Ametrican Scouts, mostly from Bronxvville Texas, just before sailing to Europe and the 3rd World Jamboree in England. Click on the image for information on American Scouting in 1929.

Paticularly notable is the great American pageant. Americans had further to travel than most Europeans. It must have been a great expense to attend the Jamboree. Still the American contingent was substantial. This reflects the huge growth of the Scout movement in America. There were 1,300 American Scouts at the Jamboree. The American Scout Association (BSA) I believe was the largest in the world. American Scouting, however still did not have Cubbing. American Scouts for the Jamboree dressed in a short pants uniform, despite the fact that Scouts almost always wore a knickers uniform. The only major exception was at American Scout camps where shorts were alsoi worn. American Scouts are the only Scouts we know of that wore knickers rather than short pants. America in 1929 was still not organizing national jamborees. I'm not sure why the BSA delayed organizing a national jamboree. Some groups arrived directly from the United States. Others combined the Jamboree with triops to Britain or the Continent. Many of tyhe major American Scouting officials attended the Jamboree, including James E. West, Chief American Scout Executive; Daniel Carter Beard ("Uncle Dan"); National Scout Commissioner G. Barrett Rich who was the Camp Chief; and Lorne W. Barclay, Rich's executive assistant. The parade of the nations was led hby the American contingent, presumably because the A in America was used to alphabetize them rather than the "U" in United States. As each contingent passedthe reviewing stand, the national anyhemn was played. The American boys jerked miniature silk Stars and Stripes from their pockets and waved them in greeting.


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Created: March 18, 2004
Last updated: Match 19, 2004