Uniforms at the 19th World Boy Scout Jamboree: Zimbabwe Contingent

Figure 1.-- One of the national contingent that gave considerable attention to the uniform at the 19th World Jamboree was the Zimbabwe contingent. They wore dark olive green uniforms with the traditional wide-brimmed hat. I'm not sure when they changed from the tan uniforms that they wore for many years.

The 19th World Scout Jamboree was held in Chile from December 27, 1998 to January 6, 1999. Many of the participating Scouts dressed rather informally. Some national Scout groups seem to give little attention to the uniform. Other national groups gave considerable attention to the official uniform. One of these was the Zimbabwe contingent. They wore dark olive green uniforms with the traditional wide-brimmed hat. I'm not sure when they changed from the tan uniforms that they wore for many years.


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Created: 5:12 AM 1/26/2005
Last updated: 5:12 AM 1/26/2005