*** Albert Martin

Albert Martin
Figure 1.--We know the boy in this cabinet card was Albert Martin, but we know very little about him, except that he was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Albert looks to be about 6 years old. He wears what looks like a Norfol jacket, with the vertical pleats, but without a belt. He has a chain with we assume va pocket watch in a pocket of the pleats. It is a knee pants suit, worn with black long stockings. This was a standard suit, but Albert is wearing with a Fauntleroy blouse. .

Albert Martin (United States, 1890s)

We know the boy in this cabinet card was Albert Martin, but we know very little about him, except that he was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Albert looks to be about 6 years old. He wears what looks like a Norfol jacket, with the vertical pleats, but without a belt. He has a chain with we assume va pocket watch in a pocket of the pleats. It is a knee pants suit, worn with black long stockings. This was a standard suit, but Albert is wearing with a Fauntleroy blouse. The portrait is not dated, but looks like the 1890s. We see a soda fiountain chair. The studio was Gomber in Milwaukee


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Created: 11:08 PM 11/21/2023
Last edited: 11:08 PM 11/21/2023