English CDVs: Chronology

English tunic
Figure 1.---The CDV was the most prevalent English 19th century photographic format. Mo from the 1870s are CDVs. This portrait was taken in 1873. The studio was operated by Mrs and Mrs Sam Glen Payne in Aylesbury. Notice plin background, omething we see commonly in the 1870s. Almost notice how the subject only fills some of the omage area, someyning common in 1860sand early-70s CDVs, in part because of the popularity of albums. Notice the pointed corners of the CDV mount..

The CDV proved hugely popular in England. It was the most prevakebt 19th century photographic format. We suddenly see an exponential increase in the number of photographic portraits in the form of CDVs. The Daguerreotype was introduced (1840s), but we see a rather limited number of Dags made in England and the same was true with Ambros when they were introduced (1850s). This contrast with the huge number made in America. The CDV was a very different matter. The CDV appeared in the 1850s, but did not become wildly popular until about 1860. For the first time we begin to see really large numbers of Englih photographic images. This means that for the first time do we have an astonishing prevalence of photgraphic images. We thus know virtually everything about priod fashion styles, except for color. The CDV continued to be the principal commercial photographic portrait in the 1870s and even the 80s. The cabinet cards were slower to catch on in England than was the case in America. We see very few English canbinet cards in the 870s. Almost all the portraits we find from the 70s are CDVs. We se caninet cards in the 80s, but the CDV continued to be very popular. Only in the 1890s do we see rge popularity of the CDV wain, but we continue to see some even after the turn-of the 20th century.


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Created: 7:29 PM 4/9/2015
Last updated: 7:29 PM 4/9/2015